He has to make sure that you stay out of incurring problems, which you may not be able to handle. He will make a financial plan with you, and it will involve inquiring into your finances, taking into consideration their resources, and finally a budget is made to be followed from then on.
As you decide to work with a counselor, you should be certain that you have made a careful research before you sign any contracts presented to you. You may want to visit the Chamber of Commerce just to check the reputation of the debt counselor that you are eyeing to work with.
Be sure to choose the right and the best credit counselor for your. One with good references will help you evaluate the ability of the counselor and his power to help you with your credit repair. The good ones will inform you professionally of their fees, and he will put into writing all of your transactions with him. Right away, they will give you an idea of what to expect from their work and all other details that concern their services.
The most important thing to remember is that you should always go with the counselor that you are comfortable with; and he should be someone whom you can trust. If you feel like you cannot trust him, then you may want to choose another counselor.